Meet Jordana



20 years of global success

Principled, collaborative and intuitive, Jordana has spent 20+ years growing brands across the globe.

As co-founder of Traction, Jordana brings deep experience in business strategy. As a management consultant she spent years advising global brands on M&A activity, launch strategies, patent defence, sales force optimisation and more. Weaving data, research and strategy, this background has proven the perfect preparation for her current work helping Kiwi companies to grow.

In her capacity as an independent director, Jordana’s focus is to add value to NZ boards and executive teams. She embraces evidence-based decision making, has a knack for highlighting diverse perspectives, and asks the questions that get to the heart of the matter.

Wired for business

A young Jordana loved the concept of ‘team’. The thrill of creating something greater than the sum of its parts was revealed in the school orchestra. Her humble beginnings also instilled a work ethic and drive that would prove crucial later in life.

She had a keen interest in business, taking to the sharemarket at an early age. She showed a knack for assessing a company’s potential, and whether that potential would be realised.

Jordana continues to chase these passions and hone these talents to this day, helping Traction clients to grow their brands both locally and globally, and offering strategic insights to the boards on which she serves.

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